Saturday, September 15, 2007

My American Night Out.

So, this sounds a little lame, but last night I had an American night out. It wasn't suppose to end up that way, it just did. It started the the most expensive game of bowling I have ever played in my life. 10 ch which is about 11-12 dollars. That was for shoes and 1 game. I miss the college night at the family fun center...2 dollar bowling. Then we had some place where the entire menu was in english...I am still not sure why because everyone spoke german. And by the time we were finished we were hungry and the closest thing open at midnight....Mcdonalds. Where I had the most expensive cheeseburger I have ever had there. It cost 2.50 ch which is almost 3 dollars...aren't they still like 89 cents in the states? But, it was a fun night out with the small group at church.

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